The Legal Drinking Age in Each Country MAP
|In the chart, we see data across some countries on the share of people with an alcohol use disorder who received treatment. This data is based on estimates of prevalence and treatment published by the World Health Organization (WHO). The breakdown of alcohol use disorders by gender for any country can be viewed here; the majority of people with alcohol use disorders – around three-quarters – are male. With the change country feature, drinking age map it is possible to view the same data for other countries.
Global Legal Drinking Ages
No place in Mexico allows minors to buy alcohol, and people claiming to be of age must present identification at time of purchase. This established minimum age does control alcohol use, but the country also addresses other alcohol-related issues. Apparently, studies concerning MLDAs demonstrated crash reductions and less alcohol consumption related to raised MLDAs. Reports also revealed possible decreased long-term effects otherwise caused by drinking too much, especially when driving. Therefore, Canada does recognize MLDA research and a need for a minimum drinking age in general even if not as high as other places, such as in the U.S. A century ago, some countries had much higher levels of alcohol consumption.
This chart is shown for the global total but can be explored for any country or region using the “Change country or region” toggle. Global trends on alcohol abstinence show a mirror image of drinking prevalence data. This is shown in the charts as the share of adults who had not drunk in the prior year and those who have never drunk alcohol.
Con 1: Alcohol consumption before age 21 is irresponsible and dangerous.
But there are exceptions on who can buy, possess, serve, or even consume alcohol in many states. Below find the legal minimum age for alcohol sales in 173 countries as found by the World Health Organization. However, the legal minimum ages are often the same for both on- and off-premise purchases. Some states also offer prosecutorial exemptions for underage persons who have consumed alcohol but are reporting an assault or medical emergency.
- In 2016, there was an initiative to lower the drinking age to 18, but it did not gain much support.
- Using information from Wikipedia, he has created a map showing how old you have to be to consume a beer at a public establishment in every country in the world.
- In the chart, we see the average consumption (in liters of ethanol) of different beverage types per person in the USA since the mid-nineteenth century.
- Heavy episodic drinking is defined as the proportion of adult drinkers who have had at least 60 grams or more of pure alcohol on at least one occasion in the past 30 days.
Enforcement Challenges
Exemptions are also made for educational and religious purposes across several states. For instance, culinary students who are under the legal drinking age may legally taste alcohol as part of their curriculum, provided they do not ingest it. Religious ceremonies, such as communion in Christian churches or the Kiddush in Jewish traditions, also serve as grounds for legally sanctioned exceptions, allowing minors to consume alcohol as part of the ritual. In numerous states, individuals under the age of 21 are permitted to consume alcohol under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian. States such as Texas, Louisiana, and Wisconsin allow minors to consume alcohol in the presence of consenting family members, often within private residences or during family gatherings. Similarly, some states extend this exception to include spouses of legal drinking age, allowing them to provide alcohol to their underage partners in private settings.
‘Mother’s life’ means that abortion is illegal in all cases except to save the mother’s life. ‘Life + rape’ means abortion is only allowed to save the mother’s life and in case of rape. ‘Mother’s health’ also adds maternal life, mental health, health, and/or fetal defects. ‘Socio-economic’ includes all the previous cases + socioeconomic factors.
In the chart, we see the average consumption (in liters of ethanol) of different beverage types per person in the USA since the mid-nineteenth century. This topic page looks at the data on global patterns of alcohol consumption, patterns of drinking, beverage types, the prevalence of alcoholism, and consequences, including crime, mortality, and road incidents. Some states are strict about underage drinking and may also have special laws to determine the blood alcohol concentration (“BAC”) at which someone under 21 is considered intoxicated.